Our primary mission is to provide an excellent service in pollinated in orchards, besides we are pollinating Almond , plum, cherry, apple, pear and kiwi fruits and seedbeds, placing to our company among the most important of Chile, to realize around 30.000 for season
In addition possess us knowledge alliances with U.E and New Zealand companies, allowing to improve techniques in management of assistants of this service . Keeping our customers our company comply with quality standards, constantly monitored.
Our hives are formed by new queens of our own hatcheries, fast and a good development of breeding, ensuring the continue demand for pollen.
To the genetic selection, we are Powering the beehives with a management of incentives, feeding and spaces, to make the most of highest the abilities, because we know that successful of the pollination is not only carrying the beehives, but measure the real results as fruit quality.
We know that a good queen is the fundamental basis of a productive beehive with an adaptation to pollination. That is due to; we are conducting a genetic selection program, which it has as guarantee productives and resistant to diseases queens.
Having the quantity and quality of queen at time and manner, lead us to manage our own hatchery
Our production capacity are 10,000 queens for season by allowing supply and meet with various alliances made with beekeepers who works joined us.