Our honey recognized in the region and the country is being exported 100%, mainly U.S. and Germany. This is produced from honey bees from the nectar of flowers or secretions from of living parts of plants.
Properties of Honey
The honey has many therapeutic properties as nutritious.
Some of them are:
· Has easily assimilated because carbohydrates short chains.
· It facilitates digestion and assimilation of other foods.
· In children facilitates assimilation of calcium and magnesium.
· It has more power sweetener that sugar.
· improving food preservation.
· It is softly laxative (regularized intestinal operation)
· It is antihemorragic, antianemic, antiseptic, antitoxic.
· It improves physical performance, especially in athletes
· It is used to pharyngitis , laryngitis, rhinitis, flu treatment, minor depressives states, ulcers, gastritis, burns, among others.
· It stimulates the formation of red blood globule due to the presence of folic acid.
· It stimulates the formation of antibodies.
The bee pollen is a natural source of health. According to experts pollen is the most nutritious food to be found in nature.
The bee pollen contains high levels of proteins and carbohydrates, amino acids, enzymes, minerals (zinc), vitamins (A and B) and trace elements. In addition to the pollen contains over 300 essential substances to the cellular function, and skeletal muscle.
This product is generated from artificial pollination manual harvest of kiwi male flower buds , which goes through a milling process where the stamens of other components of the flower is separated , then these stamens undergo a process of drying by means of which the pollen stamens emerge from the pollen sacs , and then , in a process of vacuuming, spin and screening , pure without impurities no individual pollen type , which is packaged in airtight jars extracted 250 grams .
This product is used in the artificial pollination of kiwifruit in areas where males have plantations , plantations deficient the number of pollinators, areas with periods of rain at pollination time generating that bees can not pollinate and poor areas quality of pollination with bees.
It is a product which can be applied dry or in a liquid environment . At last but , it is worth mentioning that a well- pollinated flower produces a fruit of better quality with more seeds per fruit , kiwi generating a larger , better and with greater amount of dry matter.